Wednesday, October 3, 2012


June 2, 2010
I had my first doctor's appointment today. All we did was take some blood tests and do some talking. So it looks like you're due around February 2, 2011. Tomorrow I will be 5 weeks pregnant. Daddy and I decided to inform the family of your coming on the 4th of July. We'll shoot an extra firework just for you! I love you so much, little one!
I'm not one to believe much in horoscopes, but I do have an appreciation for astrological signs. Maybe its because I'm a cookie cutter Pisces. So of course, I had to look up your birthday. It seems you will be an Aquarius. I just got on and this is what I found...
"'Marching to the beat of his own drummer' describes your Aquarius child to a T. This little one is offbeat to the core and will surprise you repeatedly with his inventiveness and originality."
I am so mezmorized by you, sweet baby. You are going to be so much fun. I can't wait to meet you and your cute little personality.
Love you, sweet baby,

June 23, 2010
My sweet baby. Today I got to SEE you! I am 8 weeks and we went for our first ultrasound today. Daddy came too. It was by far the most amazing experience of my life. I saw your tiny little heart just a'beating! I feel so blessed. You are a dream come true. I can't help but think about you all the time. Are you a boy or a girl? What will you look like? Will you have mommy's hair? Will you have daddy's eyes?
I have so much to do before you get here yet I wish it was tomorrow! Or at least know what you are so I can start stocking up! Daddy swears you are a boy. I don't know what I think yet. Maybe a girl? Maybe I just want you to be a girl so I'm not doomed to watch Sports Center for the rest of my life. Hehe. No, that would be okay if you were a boy. I don't care what you are. You are my sweet baby. I can't wait to love on you, to smell you, to teach you, to be right there when you need me. My life is no longer my own, it is yours and I live it for you and daddy.
I love you more than I thought I could ever love anything the size of a blueberry.



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